Gift a Drink!
Share a moment!

Do something good for the people you love!
Invite them for drinks from afar - with Bevvvy.

Tell your friends to enjoy themself!

We enable people to gift drinks to friends all over the world, fostering genuine connections and shared experiences irrespective of physical distance.

Explore places

Browse through a curated selection of vibrant venues all over the world, each offering a unique atmosphere fitting different occasions.

Select a drink

Dive into their virtual menu and make your selection. Choose from casual beers, fancy cocktails or the best specialty coffee's.


Complete your purchase, personalize your QR-Code and send the Bevvvy via any messaging app to your friend. Make some smile!

Invite your friends -
wherever they are


Be that Person

...that shows gratitude
...that does care about it's people
...that doesn't take friendships for granted
...that stays in mind as approachable and trusted

Download our App and start gifting today!